Stanley Handyman 1203 (#3 sized) Smoothing Plane. Handyman tool line replaced the Defiance line in the lae 50's and was produced up till the early 70's. They where homeowner grade tools, but do make a good user plane with some tuning. I have not found any info on how to date these tools yet, but I think this may be from the 60's, maybe later 60's. But I am just guessing. Has some paint on it that I should had cleaned off before listing, but...
I have done nothing to this plane, it is how I got it. I bought out a large collection of planes recently and this is part of that bunch. Keep an eye on my listings as I will have about 50 planes that I will be listing over the next few weeks as well as some other items..
Selling since November 2024
Retired Archaeologist now working for city of Lexington Engineering Dept. Also have done a lot of remodel contract work and built furniture for myself or to give away to family/friends. Have started to switch from all power to mostly hand tools in the last few years. I also buy, fix up and resale wood working tools as a hobby to pay for the tool I want to keep myself. If you do not see what you are looking for, just ask me I may have it, but not gotten around to listing it yet...
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