Tool Trader Network
Put up your No 6 hand planes!

Hey Tool Trader:

Next Friday, we're putting out a short video on the No 6 hand plane and we're sending people to Tool Trader to buy their first No 6. If you've got a No 6 plane you want to sell, NOW IS THE TIME!!

Post that plane and tag it "Good deals on the 6." And we'll make a collection for the homepage.

I need at least one No 6 to be posted before I can make the tag, so please be patient. If you don't see it, make your listing and I'll tag it for you.

There's a new video on the Tool Trader homepage that explains everything.


Jan 31

Tool Trader Network

Owned by Rex Krueger

The Tool Trader Network is where real woodworkers gather to trade tools, share knowledge, and grow the craft.