Home Made wooden Rabbit plane body, no wedge or iron. 5 1/2 long x 1 3/8 wide x 2 1/2 tall I thought about keeping this and using a chisel for the iron. A tanged parring chisel would work great for the iron. But then I figured that I have two 78's a 45 and a Japanese rabbit plane, why would i keep this one? No idea what type of wood this is, but it feels heavy/dense for it's size, so it's some sort of very hard wood I assume.
I have done nothing to this plane, it is how I got it. I bought out a large collection of planes recently and this is part of that bunch. Keep an eye on my listings as I will have about 50 planes that I will be listing over the next few weeks as well as some other items..
Selling since November 2023
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