Buy, sell, own your world
Buy, sell, own your world
Join a
List your items in an existing community.
List your items in an existing community.
Launch your
own marketplace
Create the community you wish existed.
Create the community you wish existed.
Buy and sell together
Chat with your community
Set monthly prizes
Go live, everywhere
Buy and sell together
Chat with your community
Share your stuff
Talk with friends
Set monthly prizes
Go live, everywhere
Create listings as Buy Now, Offers, or Auctions
Accept major credit cards, PayPal, and Apple Pay
Host livestreams and multicast to social apps
Trust in transactions with Seller Protection
Grow your customers with referrals and incentives
Make sales on social media with Magic Comments

Find a marketplace to join today

Start your own marketplace
Launch your own business with a few clicks.
List Easy
Order Fulfillment
Manage Sellers
List Easy
Take the pain out of creating listings and managing inventory with tools that scale.
Host multiple sellers
Build a community of sellers to support, build, and scale your businesses.
Earn marketplace economics
Generate an income stream through commission fees like other major marketplaces.
Set guidelines
Create a safe and healthy place for people to buy, sell, and spend time together.
Buy & sell in different ways
Use different listing types and selling formats from auctions to offers to livestreams.
Get support fast
Work with a dedicated support team to resolve technical, operational, and customer issues.
Offer subscriptions
Enable marketplace subscriptions to provide special perks for your top members.
District is for everyone
Join a passionate community who love the same stuff you do.
Find and retain your next group of friendly, loyal customers.
Marketplace Owners
Build a business around what you do best—bringing people together.

Start Selling

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