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@jeanniebirdvintage Happy Mail! 🎉🎉 Thanks Jeannie!
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hi Bethany! It's hard to tell but is it mirrored? If you don't get help here, please try our ID Me channel for glass: https://niknax.net/channel/idmeglass
So it does have a little semi circle that is mirrored, the rest is clear glass. Some of it has like an etched cut glass pattern in it.
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I got this cool piece of glass yesterday, not convinced it has a ton of age but I literally can’t find any info on it?! Any thoughts?!
hi Bethany! It's hard to tell but is it mirrored? If you don't get help here, please try our ID Me channel for glass: https://niknax.net/channel/idmeglass
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I got this cool piece of glass yesterday, not convinced it has a ton of age but I literally can’t find any info on it?! Any thoughts?!
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Best packaging!!
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😍Happy Mail!! Thank you @attic_on_the_beach_amy for my beautiful tissue holder!!
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That is one relaxed puppy! so cute!
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Happy Saturday! May your day be as relaxed as my dog is
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Hello NikNax community. Hope you decide to join me by checking out my 300+ listings. I have been in FB marketplace doghouse for almost 3 weeks now because my antique butter knives were weapons. So I don't know if I will ever get my marketplace account back. I had over 2500 listings and had over 600 followers with a 5 star rating. Truly hoping I can create a following here that will be worth my time and effort. I am a retired financial secretary and banker and started this as a hobby to help supplement my social security. Would truly appreciate any one of you who would like to check out what I have up so far. I have had a handful of sales and am praying business picks up. I think I have a wide variety for everyone with reasonable prices. Thanks again for checking them out.
Hi Julie. I tagged you in the proper channel for promotional comments. This is a sales free chat. Thank you so much!
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Hello NikNax community. Hope you decide to join me by checking out my 300+ listings. I have been in FB marketplace doghouse for almost 3 weeks now because my antique butter knives were weapons. So I don't know if I will ever get my marketplace account back. I had over 2500 listings and had over 600 followers with a 5 star rating. Truly hoping I can create a following here that will be worth my time and effort. I am a retired financial secretary and banker and started this as a hobby to help supplement my social security. Would truly appreciate any one of you who would like to check out what I have up so far. I have had a handful of sales and am praying business picks up. I think I have a wide variety for everyone with reasonable prices. Thanks again for checking them out.
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Hi Gina! I have not had that problem, but if it persists, please reach out to support.
Hi Meri, finally got it fixed. I see what I was doing wrong. District had me sign out of computer and phone. Then they told me to get the new password on computer, write it down and then do the same on phone. Bingo it worked, it was so frustrating, but I am a happy camper now.
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Look what you can do with your pottery and glass. Who wants ugly tissue boxes? We have beautiful containers here on Niknax. 🙂 Just a neat idea 💡
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I have applied to sell and was wondering how long it takes to be approved. Can someone give me an idea! I’m excited!
Hi Janice! It can take an average of about three months.
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I have applied to sell and was wondering how long it takes to be approved. Can someone give me an idea! I’m excited!
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Good morning! I hope your day is going well.
Thanks Merri. My day is A+, so far. 🤗
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Good morning Niknax.
Good morning! I hope your day is going well.
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I want to sell my acrylic paintings. Do you know what’s the best way to do that on here
Hi Marian! Please go to our homepage and "Apply to Sell". Make sure you fill out all fields of the application form and include links to any platform you currently sell on. There is a waiting period that can take up to a few months.
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I want to sell my acrylic paintings. Do you know what’s the best way to do that on here
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@myflippingvanlife Hello! There’s an item that I would like to buy from your vintage jewelry auction from March 8th. Please feel free to reach out to me. Thank you.
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Thank you.
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Good morning Niknax.
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Hello! I would like to reach out to my Myflippingvanlife (Sandi) She had a live starting at $7 auction of vintage jewelry on March 8th. There’s an item that I would like to purchase. I’m not sure how to get in touch with the seller. Any help is appreciated.
You can click on her name here and send her a message! @myflippingvanlife
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Hello! I would like to reach out to my Myflippingvanlife (Sandi) She had a live starting at $7 auction of vintage jewelry on March 8th. There’s an item that I would like to purchase. I’m not sure how to get in touch with the seller. Any help is appreciated.
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Has anyone had an issue signing in on your phone app. I had to change the password and the new password works on my computer but it does not work on my phone. I have sent an email to District.
Hi Gina! I have not had that problem, but if it persists, please reach out to support.
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Oh I forgot the part where I had to go get a new computer lol
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Hi everyone I just wanted to let you know I planned on having a table top treasure show tonight but my computer decided to die yesterday and in order to get ready and everything I've got to set my computer up so I will have my next table top treasure tomorrow night at 8 PM and if you were in last night show I can hold your package until after tomorrow night show just send me a DM if you want me to hold your package till then. Thank you all for Understanding . 🙂
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Has anyone had an issue signing in on your phone app. I had to change the password and the new password works on my computer but it does not work on my phone. I have sent an email to District.
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To all the amazing women out there...have a great day!
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Christina, I thought the Community Chat, was just that, where the community comes to chat! And to be “healthy and productive”, people should be informed and information should be provided transparently. I love Niknax, but people should not be afraid to bring things up. We are all adults here, and I don’t think anyone would find my initial question and follow up to the response as being anything more than informative. The bad word that I’m being told not to use is “junk” and it was directed to a company called Paparazzi that sells just that …….every single one of us here has at one point or another said “one person’s junk is another person’s treasure”! But a person selling needs to share details about their items, and most sellers know how to use google lens to check details about an item they are selling. I take offense to being shut down for bringing this up……..truth and honesty matters! Yet notably what I brought up was not addressed by you, except to scold me 🙄. I won’t be addressing this further, as I love so many of the sellers here, and have gotten to know them more on a deeper level than buyer/seller as we share our parts of our private lives at times. Lynn
Hi, Lynn. I've removed your ability to chat in public channels. I'm sorry that you are not happy with your purchase, but if you re-read what our team members asked, they are not shutting you down--they are asking that you move your conversation to email so we can address your concerns privately. Let me turn this situation into an analogy: You purchased a bracelet from a department store and you're not happy. Rather than bring the bracelet back to the sales associate who sold you the bracelet and explaining why you are unhappy, you've chosen to start yelling about how unhappy you are in the middle of the store. Not one, but two of the managers have approached and asked that you lower your voice and move out of the path of other customers--who enjoy the jewelry and other wonderful items available in the store and are trying to get to the check out without any drama. Instead, you continue to cause a scene because you're unhappy over your $8 bracelet purchase. At the end of the day--this store has many sales associates, brands, and products. Because you're unhappy with one purchase, you're going to cause a disruption and then claim that disruption is "healthy and productive?" No. This conversation is not productive at all. The productive and professional thing to do would have been to reach out to the seller privately and let them know that you were unhappy with your purchase--give them the benefit of the doubt and an opportunity to do the right thing. In fact, our guidelines give you step by step instructions: "If a buyer feels that they have received an item that is not as described, please reach out to the seller privately to resolve the issue. If the issue can not be resolved amicably, contact community@niknax.net with details. In the case of live sales, it is expected that sellers show and detail all damage verbally while selling an item. In most cases, items are sold AS SHOWN. If a buyer feels that they received an item not as described, please reach out to the seller privately to resolve the issue. If the issue can not be resolved amicably, contact community@niknax.net with details. The video and chat records will be pulled for review and a decision will be made." Please send us an email if you would like to continue the conversation and I would be happy to address any concerns you have. Niknax has grown a lot over the year that you have been a member, but we still expect our members to understand and abide by the guidelines. Thanks! Jocelyn
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Christina, I thought the Community Chat, was just that, where the community comes to chat! And to be “healthy and productive”, people should be informed and information should be provided transparently. I love Niknax, but people should not be afraid to bring things up. We are all adults here, and I don’t think anyone would find my initial question and follow up to the response as being anything more than informative. The bad word that I’m being told not to use is “junk” and it was directed to a company called Paparazzi that sells just that …….every single one of us here has at one point or another said “one person’s junk is another person’s treasure”! But a person selling needs to share details about their items, and most sellers know how to use google lens to check details about an item they are selling. I take offense to being shut down for bringing this up……..truth and honesty matters! Yet notably what I brought up was not addressed by you, except to scold me 🙄. I won’t be addressing this further, as I love so many of the sellers here, and have gotten to know them more on a deeper level than buyer/seller as we share our parts of our private lives at times. Lynn
Lynn, we’d love to discuss this with you further. Please email us at community@niknax.net. The admin team, including Jocelyn, will welcome your input on the matter.
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Christina, I thought the Community Chat, was just that, where the community comes to chat! And to be “healthy and productive”, people should be informed and information should be provided transparently. I love Niknax, but people should not be afraid to bring things up. We are all adults here, and I don’t think anyone would find my initial question and follow up to the response as being anything more than informative. The bad word that I’m being told not to use is “junk” and it was directed to a company called Paparazzi that sells just that …….every single one of us here has at one point or another said “one person’s junk is another person’s treasure”! But a person selling needs to share details about their items, and most sellers know how to use google lens to check details about an item they are selling. I take offense to being shut down for bringing this up……..truth and honesty matters! Yet notably what I brought up was not addressed by you, except to scold me 🙄. I won’t be addressing this further, as I love so many of the sellers here, and have gotten to know them more on a deeper level than buyer/seller as we share our parts of our private lives at times. Lynn
Hi Lynn, I don't think you understand my response. We'll follow up with you shortly.
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Hi Lynn, we always strive to keep our community healthy and productive. Please understand that we value everyone's opinion. However, calling items "junk" whether or not they are being sold here or not may be offending someone who values it in another way. We do have guidelines for sellers and buyers. Please read them before commenting further. If you have any more points you'd like to make about this topic, please email us: community@niknax.net. Also, we encourage you to join us for coffee chat on Tuesdays for more insight. Christina
Christina, I thought the Community Chat, was just that, where the community comes to chat! And to be “healthy and productive”, people should be informed and information should be provided transparently. I love Niknax, but people should not be afraid to bring things up. We are all adults here, and I don’t think anyone would find my initial question and follow up to the response as being anything more than informative. The bad word that I’m being told not to use is “junk” and it was directed to a company called Paparazzi that sells just that …….every single one of us here has at one point or another said “one person’s junk is another person’s treasure”! But a person selling needs to share details about their items, and most sellers know how to use google lens to check details about an item they are selling. I take offense to being shut down for bringing this up……..truth and honesty matters! Yet notably what I brought up was not addressed by you, except to scold me 🙄. I won’t be addressing this further, as I love so many of the sellers here, and have gotten to know them more on a deeper level than buyer/seller as we share our parts of our private lives at times. Lynn
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I’m seeing a bunch of Paparazzi being sold which is sold wholesale to their sellers ……the jewelry is pure junk, all pieces starting at $5 to start with speaks to its quality. I’m aware of Paparazzi because my nieces got sucked into selling it and I bought a few pieces from them to help them out, knowing it wouldn’t be quality but ugh it really was junk. I’ve seen a few people here even calling Paparazzi pieces “vintage” 🥴………alerting you and hoping to alert unknowing buyers to be aware and careful when considering jewelry purchases. That being said, I see so many conscientious sellers really examining their jewelry, looking for marks, signatures etc and being upfront with descriptions and age of their jewelry to the best of their knowledge and I say hats off to them!
Hi Lynn, we always strive to keep our community healthy and productive. Please understand that we value everyone's opinion. However, calling items "junk" whether or not they are being sold here or not may be offending someone who values it in another way. We do have guidelines for sellers and buyers. Please read them before commenting further. If you have any more points you'd like to make about this topic, please email us: community@niknax.net. Also, we encourage you to join us for coffee chat on Tuesdays for more insight. Christina
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Good morning Lynn! Thank you for elaborating more. I am sorry to hear that you had that experience. We have been putting guidelines and directives into place for our sellers to follow with their jewelry sales. One of them is that the jewelry is well described.
Niknax started with 12 sellers. We now have over 4000 sellers. Jewelry is trending right now, which may be why you’re seeing so much of it up for sale.
I’m afraid I can’t tell you how people get bulk jewelry, but I assume it has to do with either buying other sellers out or buying estates out.
We do not allow wholesale jewelry from places like Temu and Amazon, etc. If you feel like that’s what you’re seeing, please send your concerns to community@niknax.net.
I’m seeing a bunch of Paparazzi being sold which is sold wholesale to their sellers ……the jewelry is pure junk, all pieces starting at $5 to start with speaks to its quality. I’m aware of Paparazzi because my nieces got sucked into selling it and I bought a few pieces from them to help them out, knowing it wouldn’t be quality but ugh it really was junk. I’ve seen a few people here even calling Paparazzi pieces “vintage” 🥴………alerting you and hoping to alert unknowing buyers to be aware and careful when considering jewelry purchases. That being said, I see so many conscientious sellers really examining their jewelry, looking for marks, signatures etc and being upfront with descriptions and age of their jewelry to the best of their knowledge and I say hats off to them!
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She is sweet! I plan on listing some soon just didn’t know if they were still popular
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Whooot Whoooooot! Nik Nax has reached 101 K Listings!! Congratulations, Jocelyn and crew!!
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My grandparents collected Hummels. I got one from their cabinet when my grandpa passed. She hasn’t turned into a collection but she’s treasured.
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Do we have any Hummel collectors here?
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