Let us know what your looking for and we can try to find it!
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Anyone have a new in box toaster? Decent brand? Going to order one today if not 😂
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Looking for the creami part that you put the creami pint into to put on machine.
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I would like to start listing but need more info. Do you need a store to list and if you don't how much per listing and how does shipping work? Im used to EBay.
Dave did a “How to” with q&a on his your tube AdhdaveFlips channel yesterday. Might be good to check it out
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I want to start doing freezer meal preps for my family so I'm looking for cookbooks for dump meals freezer meals etc
I have a few one pot type cookbooks I just listed. I can combine ship of interested in more than one. I have at least another 100 cookbooks if looking for anything else (not posted yet but can)
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I would like to start listing but need more info. Do you need a store to list and if you don't how much per listing and how does shipping work? Im used to EBay.
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I know I could probably find this at the Dollar Store, but why not get it from my co-resellers?????
I should have some soon, maybe by end of the week. I will let you know when I post.
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I want to start doing freezer meal preps for my family so I'm looking for cookbooks for dump meals freezer meals etc
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I know I could probably find this at the Dollar Store, but why not get it from my co-resellers?????
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I am looking for the red jar opening shown in this pic.
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Looking for Mikasa duplex dinner plates. Blues, greens and pinks
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Any interest in a vintage aluminum roaster? It’s Miracle Maid
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Profile pic. I’ll have the 6 of them listed tomorrow.
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@chaplainterry What do you think of these soup bowls above??
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Not quite 8” but close
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@wesvintagecollectibles I don’t think it is, looks like that might be for making hard boiled eggs? I really appreciate you posting this, I love this community already!!
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Hi. Looking for an AllClad d3 2 qt saucepan with lid. Thanks.
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Looking to buy silicone muffin tin or an egg bite sous vide machine thingy. Anyone have one sitting around you’d be willing to sell? I’d rather support Dave’s Kitchen Market and sellers here than Amazon if possible.
This isn’t the machine you’re looking for is it?
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Im looking for some clear bowls so when i cook you can see the food inside, they dont need to be fancy I would rather buy therm here
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Looking to buy silicone muffin tin or an egg bite sous vide machine thingy. Anyone have one sitting around you’d be willing to sell? I’d rather support Dave’s Kitchen Market and sellers here than Amazon if possible.
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So basically 8" or bigger soup bowls
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Anyone have any
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Hey guys new member @chaplainterry is looking for oversized soup bowls!
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looking to buy something like these
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to sell
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anyone have them?
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white and gold type canisters
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Howdy nancy
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Thanks for joining
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Joined to see what Dave's been talking about!
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