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Unicorn Alley
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Copiapoa with crested areoles
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Another unicorn gymno I’m trying to get is one of the Japanese G. mazanense. I just don’t want to pay an arm and a leg since very few people are bringing them in. L
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I went home with a regular one
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They have a huge crested saglionis also NFS. Im sure I’ll bug Brian a few more times for a pup from the variegated one and he’ll say no each time. He probably wants to breed it with this one.
Oooof let him and then get a pup from that…and then get me one 😂😂😂
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They have a huge crested saglionis also NFS. Im sure I’ll bug Brian a few more times for a pup from the variegated one and he’ll say no each time. He probably wants to breed it with this one.
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I tried to get Brian to sell me one of the pups even though they don’t show variegation yet.
Oooooh you have to get a pup…that’s amazing looking.
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I tried to get Brian to sell me one of the pups even though they don’t show variegation yet.
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Not my plant but really want a pup from it. Gymno saglionis variegated fill up a 2.5 gallon pot, so over 10” diameter.
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Booo it could be a gmo and makes strawberries
Hahahaha kals ruining our fun 😂
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Very very not real
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Well now Kal told me it’s not real it’s AI so I feel like a dummy
😂😂😂 but it still looks good…Kal is no fun 😂
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It’s glorious looking …looks like a demogorgon that could eat your face 😂 wonder if it’s stinky?
Well now Kal told me it’s not real it’s AI so I feel like a dummy
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Guys look how cool this stapeliad is that came across my Facebook
It’s glorious looking …looks like a demogorgon that could eat your face 😂 wonder if it’s stinky?
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Not sure it’s in cultivation but I just think it’s super unique to learn about
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Guys look how cool this stapeliad is that came across my Facebook
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I know this isn’t a super fancy unicorn plant but it is probably one of my top 10 favorites…Begonia Mumtaz
I love begonias 🥳
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I know this isn’t a super fancy unicorn plant but it is probably one of my top 10 favorites…Begonia Mumtaz
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Let's see your unicorn plants, the ones you waited forever to find, and you lovingly stare at every day with your morning coffee.