Exchange care tips on growing Nepenthes.
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Thanks! I’m gonna try it at least see how it works out
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Hmmm he says it doesnt work very well in humid conditions unfortunately. I am in SOFL and also the inside of the tent stays consistently 60-85% humidity (unless he was referring to the humidity if the house)
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Is there a way to artificially drop the temperature in a grow tent?
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Is there a way to artificially drop the temperature in a grow tent?
I haven’t tried this but I hope it helps
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Is there a way to artificially drop the temperature in a grow tent?
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Oh, OK well, I guess that this other plant from the same seed batch is also flowering and female! Hopefully that male flower stalk I posted earlier will stay receptive long enough to pollinate this new female flower stalk.
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I’ve heard of people refrigerating or freezing it (unsure which) and I think it’ll last for a couple months but I don’t know from experience
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(Northiana red x veitchii bareo)
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Is it possible for me to store this pollen since I have no other flowering plants right now?
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Also here’s a general idea of the humidity and temps
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*plant, I just saw that typo
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I actually repotted it earlier this year the roots were fine and I increased the size of the pot.
I don’t think it’s pests, haven’t seen any anyway, but to be safe I hosed it down with captain jacks (spinosad), could be overwatering and too much light but it’s done this before when I had it in my other setup too which had less light and didn’t cause any sun stress.
It’s not an EP plants it’s the Rob x ham from BE-3958 (random clones)
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Similar issues for me but I just moved to a spot with more lighting
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Was this a EP plant? I think I have a top cut from this sp.
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I would definitely check the roots, do a hard repot washing out the root system give it one good water and let it almost completely dry out.
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Have u check for pest my neps was giving me small leafs almost like yours and it was a mix of my overwatering it too much light and it was full of pest i can remember the name of them but i used soap to killed them
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Besides introducing it to a higher level of light, I also started fertilizing the pitchers with maxsea instead of the osmocote that I used to use. And no I do not fertilize the roots, substrate or leaves only the pitchers
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Can you post pictures?
Here are some pics of the plant in question the last pitcher it put out and the big one it put out before. It’s been a while since the main plant pitchered so they’re all on their way out.
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Rob x ham issue So I had a pretty huge jump in pitcher size earlier this year. Placed it on a window setup a couple months ago, it’s getting tons more light to the point it’s getting a bit blotchy and red. First leaf it put out in that setup was about 10x smaller than the prior leaves. Then it stopped growing and popped out about 2-3 basals. The most recent main stem leaf looks like it might be even smaller than the last. I hosed it down with some captain jacks to be extra cautious but I don’t see any pests. This weird leaf thing happened in the past with the same plant and I wound up chopping the main stem. Any ideas about what could be the culprit? It’s summer here so the humidity is 50%+ and the conditions are intermediate with some decent drops at night. I don’t think it’s a pot size issue bc I upped the pot size a couple months ago and it’s planted in perlite and sphagnum moss
Can you post pictures?
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Rob x ham issue So I had a pretty huge jump in pitcher size earlier this year. Placed it on a window setup a couple months ago, it’s getting tons more light to the point it’s getting a bit blotchy and red. First leaf it put out in that setup was about 10x smaller than the prior leaves. Then it stopped growing and popped out about 2-3 basals. The most recent main stem leaf looks like it might be even smaller than the last. I hosed it down with some captain jacks to be extra cautious but I don’t see any pests. This weird leaf thing happened in the past with the same plant and I wound up chopping the main stem. Any ideas about what could be the culprit? It’s summer here so the humidity is 50%+ and the conditions are intermediate with some decent drops at night. I don’t think it’s a pot size issue bc I upped the pot size a couple months ago and it’s planted in perlite and sphagnum moss
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I think you should wait a bit. It might be in the next EP drop.
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I’ll bet.
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Looking for N. edwardsiana
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Male and female
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Rooted some wistuba hamatas
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You’re awesome, thanks!
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But they’re in my growtent in a basement that stays cool
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I have some rokko x Palawanensis and globosa x bicalcarata sprouting on a heat mat
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75-80ish of fine for seed germ
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True that
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I wouldn’t put them on a heat pad if it’s summer and the temps are already warm tho:)
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The seed appreciates more humidity, under cover of a dome or container until it sprouts. Once the plants have their first couple pitchers I uncover them and let them grow as the big plants do.
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That’s what I’ve done in the past
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100% on heat pad
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Most all plants and seeds do well together with same temps
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Hey hey, the veitchii seeds?
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Hey guys! So once my seeds from Dom germinate, what temps and humidity do u guys recommend and for how long? What about fertilizer?
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