Vintage Craft Course Red Booklet 30 Egg Carton Magic H-189 30-12473 Ideas
The Vintage Craft Course Red Booklet titled "Ideas for over 30 Egg Carton Novelties" is a creative resource that provides inspiration and instructions for crafting various projects using egg cartons. The booklet is vintage, adding a nostalgic touch to your crafting experience.
Inside the booklet, you will find a wide range of ideas and suggestions for transforming egg cartons into unique and imaginative novelties. With over 30 project ideas, you can explore different themes and styles to suit your preferences.
It includes step-by-step instructions for each project, guiding you through the crafting process. It provides clear explanations and illustrations, making it easy to follow along and bring your ideas to life.
By using the vintage Craft Course Red Booklet, you can tap into a bygone era of crafting and explore the endless potential of egg cartons as a crafting material.
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Selling since November 2023
I love all vintage. I hope you can find something in my shop that reminds you of your grandma
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