1980s unfinished CALICO Bonnet Kids crib-sized, machine quilted QUILT or wall hanging is just the CUTEST!! Handmade by a very busy someone. All that's left for you is to complete the brilliant orange binding, which is attached on front only. Size is approximately 43" L x 37"W as is. It will be a little smaller when it's completed. Thank you for looking.
Selling since November 2023
HIYA! Let me introduce myself ~ I am the Youngest Little Old Lady in Minnesota. I'm a Maker, a Thrifter and (until I can retire!) a part-time Reseller. If it's vintage, funky, colorful or odd it tends to come home with me. Since I cannot keep it all I must create and/or sell and would appreciate your help to keep my hoard to a minimum. Offers are happily considered! :-) And I always use clean, recycled packaging.
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