MBB Royals District
Royals Marketplace Summer Giveaway!

Sorry for the delay, but weekend got busy. Figured Monday is an okay day to kickoff a giveaway anyway. Without further ado, here are the details for 5 ways to win some Paypal $$ to spend on cards!

This contest runs all June with winners announced on July 1st. There are 5 ways to win. All challenges are for the Royals Marketplace only.

  1. Most individual cards sold in June gets $5 paypal
  2. Most individual cards listed in June gets $5 paypal
  3. Highest dollar card sold during June gets $5 paypal
  4. Most new members recruited to join (will message new members to see who invited them to join) gets $5 paypal
  5. One random person who finishes in the top 10 on the Royals Marketplace leaderboard will be chosen to win $5 paypal

So, 5 ways to win! Buy, sell, list, recruit, interact...any of these actions could help you win. And for those in here who are Royals fans, let's hope for a winning month of June for them as well! Enjoy the month and spread the word!

Jun 3

MBB Royals District

185 Members
100 Sellers

Owned by Midwest Sports Cards

Royals Fan District for the MBB Community. Sports Card Breaks and trusted hobby sales for over 5 years. Hosted by @midwestsportscards - Collector advocate and founder of Break Club NFT. Always here to help new and returning collectors.


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