Are you looking for a specific handmade item or craft supply? Reach out and share your wish list items.
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Oops that👆🏻 was supposed to say “Don’t miss your sales”
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Hi Ladies! Please post in the Community Chat so we don’t your sales! This chat “ISO” is for In Search Of requests. 😄
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If anyone is interested I have listed bottle caps gallore I’ll be listing other craft items throughout this week. I have flat back bling bling buttons ribbon feathers of all kind elastic rhinestone mesh bottle cap images and bottle cap epoxy stickers and flowers. Watch out for everything. I may also do a show with everything too sometime soon!
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Terri! I found it! I’ll private message you.
I replied to your message. Thank you so much.
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What is the theme?
Not so much a theme as it is a glue/scrap book of things her and her best friend draw and give each other. Kelly is my daughter and Zoey is her bestie. Little stickers or sayings cut out that they can add to their pages is awesome.
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My daughter, age 9, is collecting things for a Best Friends glue book. If anyone has extra items lying around that might fit the theme, would you please toss them in a happy mail and send to her? I will, or she will as well, reciprocate with a return happy mail. Thank you! You can message me for the address. :)
What is the theme?
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yes she is. Sorry, it's been a min since I have checked in. We got a puppy for our daughter and I've been focused on getting her trained. But yes, she is collecting for a BFF journal. Thank you!
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My daughter, age 9, is collecting things for a Best Friends glue book. If anyone has extra items lying around that might fit the theme, would you please toss them in a happy mail and send to her? I will, or she will as well, reciprocate with a return happy mail. Thank you! You can message me for the address. :)
Is she still doing a glue book?
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I’ll be looking, I’ve had one before!!
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Hi, I’m searching for a cookbook book from 1975, I believe. It’s either a Cookie Monster Cookbook or a Sesame Street Cookbook. Anyhow it has the following recipe in it. Thank you.
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I'm on the look out for another book...a Golden Book of Chemistry Experiments. I'm attaching a picture. If anyone comes across one, I'd love to be the new owner.
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Unless books are allowed here?! I see several now that I have looked around.
We have a lot of books for crafting, memory keeping and collecting listed here though I’m considering moving my collectible ones to Restoration Harmony Home because I have mostly sold craft worthy books here. 😊
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Unless books are allowed here?! I see several now that I have looked around.
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I do plan to start listening our books in some of the other markets that are not craft specific. Follow us for all things bookish! 😊
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I have not yet seen it but we will be in the lookout for you!
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If anyone comes across the book out in the wild called Bruce’s Loose Tooth I am hoping to add it to my collection. Copyright is 1974!
I’ll keep an eye out 👁️
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If anyone comes across the book out in the wild called Bruce’s Loose Tooth I am hoping to add it to my collection. Copyright is 1974!
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My daughter, age 9, is collecting things for a Best Friends glue book. If anyone has extra items lying around that might fit the theme, would you please toss them in a happy mail and send to her? I will, or she will as well, reciprocate with a return happy mail. Thank you! You can message me for the address. :)
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I am in search of a copy of the Regretsy Book.I was around during the very early days of Etsy and I knew one of the artists in this book. I have a few of her paintings. I would really love a copy to add to my collection. I can order it but I enjoy the hunt. I haven't come across one yet, maybe you will. *Please do not pay some crazy amount for this book as I would not pay some crazy amount, but if the price is right, I'd be delighted to become it's new owner. Thank you. image of the book for cover and author above.
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ISO Ideals Magazine patriotic pages. Not necessarily the whole magazine but pretty pages!
Sent you a message just now, Janet.
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ISO Ideals Magazine patriotic pages. Not necessarily the whole magazine but pretty pages!
I can message you some photos once I go downstairs to pick through my ideals, Janet! Hi Carol!
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ISO Ideals Magazine patriotic pages. Not necessarily the whole magazine but pretty pages!
I’ll check later today if I have anything. Also @couleecraftcorner has lots of Ideals for sale… I wonder if any summer issues?
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ISO Ideals Magazine patriotic pages. Not necessarily the whole magazine but pretty pages!
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@luv697 message me. I have a hard back 1957 copy.
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Has anyone heard of the book Pagoo by Clancy Holling 1957. My hubby wants me to find one, and I thought I would look here first.
I have not. I checked all of district and don’t see one listed!
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Has anyone heard of the book Pagoo by Clancy Holling 1957. My hubby wants me to find one, and I thought I would look here first.
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In search of a new maid….the one here is getting lazier and lazier 🤣🤣🤣
I think we must have the same maid! 🤪
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Is there something you have been on the hunt for? Something you collect? Pop your wishes in here. Maybe one of us has a lead or has the item in our possession and can help you out!
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