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@madlittlepixel or anyone else… any of you having issues with the dpad on the metal analogue pockets? mine feel like it “drifts” to the right..😒
I do not have that issue, BUT I have noticed from a couple of these that I have looked at that the machining of the metal shells can have some variances which may contribute to issues like that, but ive mostly seen it with Noir editions I have compared. But I have not heard anyone have the issue you mention. It could be a manufacturing defect you have, I would reach out directly to Analogue to see if they could take care of it. If you are comfortable opening it, it may be just a simple misaligned conductive pad.
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@madlittlepixel or anyone else… any of you having issues with the dpad on the metal analogue pockets? mine feel like it “drifts” to the right..😒
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@cinemaaju Thanks, I just took a look.. in all honesty i forget that I have an instagram account and dont check it often... but probably should get on there more. But I am not sure how I can see things I am tagged on, but I did just see the message. It looks like one of them is Thunderstick Studios using my video, which honestly they never asked... but I am less mad about that as it is actually their product but still.. typically a company would ask if they can use a clip first. Usually its companies I have no idea who they are using my videos as ads...
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@madlittlepixel noticed a few ads on instagram that use your videos (seen 2 of emulation consoles) not sure if you are aware… tagged you in one and DMed you another….
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@madlittlepixel Remember the late '80s crack epidemic and gang wars leading up to the '92 LA Riots? Not long afterwards there was a strong backlash to the lawlessness with criminal policies such as "3 strikes". We are approaching the moment where this crime wave will soon be significantly addressed again. Nintendo moving into San Francisco is a good sign of things to come and they probably scored a favorable lease deal at that location.
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This Atari acquisition of Intellivision reminds me of when King Kong and Godzilla were first seen in the same movie together, but it is their homebrew and hardware communities that will continue to win the day.
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You fixing to post those Viture Pro XR Glasses on here? Interested to purchase
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Same here
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I missed out on the preorder on Amazon Japan. Know of any other places carrying the Japanese one?
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What’s your thoughts on the LRG CD-R situation?
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@madlittlepixel A proposed title of your YouTube newscast: MLP Reports
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Hi, I can't find the link for the genesis giveaway.
The giveaway portion to take place on the market will go live early next week, working out some details. Updates will be posted and sent out to everyone who is a member of the market then and will be posted on my YouTube community tab.
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Hi, I can't find the link for the genesis giveaway.
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Hello :D, I was wondering which would be the best adaptors to play SNES and Wii games on a LG 4k tv?
I use a Hyperkin console and they're fine, not perfect but absolutely acceptable quality.
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If you’re wanting to play original cartridges on your hdmi tv then you can purchase an Analogue SuperNT. They do not sell them currently and I don’t see them listed on here at the moment, but places like StockX , eBay, etc have them listed
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The RetroTink is going to give you the best picture hands down. Totally worth the money 💰
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For connecting SNES to 4K tvs, I can only see a RetroTink as a solution. You shouldn't need the 4K RetroTink (its the beat one but expensive), though, just any of the ones that accept composite. There are probably cheap converters on Amazon but it sounds like they are unreliable
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Also it would be very bulky and I would prefer to just use my current tv
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@lobstertrapgame i am trying to avoid that due to space n.n
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@elisa03 Have you tried to purchase a CRT television?
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Hello :D, I was wondering which would be the best adaptors to play SNES and Wii games on a LG 4k tv?
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@madlittlepixel ok thanks. I’m glad there’s the option otherwise that would have been some serious boobooness😉
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@otakuscott if you goto your seller dashboard and goto sales click on the specific order and it will show the buyer and next to that it should say message. From there you can directly message the buyer.
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@districtivan BTW is there a way to contact the buyer directly so I don’t have to bog down the chat?
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@districtivan Thanks!
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@madlittlepixel I accidentally entered the wrong weight for my shipping label and there's no option to void it. What do I do?
Hi Scott, you can hit "Refund Label" in the shipments modal if you reopen the receipt.
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@districtivan can you help @scottlinux
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@madlittlepixel I accidentally entered the wrong weight for my shipping label and there's no option to void it. What do I do?
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@madlittlepixel Do you have plans to make another video fixing mvs carts? I have some that are partially working, some with audit glitches ... selling these for cheap soon
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@madlittlepixel Did you notice any improvement in the audio quality or cpu performance of your reshelled DS ML unit as compared to an original DS? At this price point, and the availability of the GBA carts I wonder how long it will be before a new Blockbuster-like handheld console/game rental service emerges.
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@madlittlepixel Regarding the rumor about the DMCA notice today....I'm seeing some additional suggestions that GitLab was trolled.
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@neokosan This adapter works with the OMVS Should be good with anything that uses the Genesis plug.. though my preference has been the RAD2x due to simplicity and not needing extra power.
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There is a cable listed on ebay "HDMI Cable for Sega Genesis Model 1 / 2 / 3, Sega CD, Sega CDX, Sega 32X" but I am not sure if that has the same pinout
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I don't want to buy the sega model 2 scart cables from amazon, they look cheap
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@madlittlepixel Any alternative source for RGB cables to use with the open mvs? I have been trying to order the cables suggested by RetroRGB and everything is out of stock. Including high qualirty RGB SCART cables, HD Retrovision and RAD2x cables
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@madlittlepixel Have you tried to use your Occulus 2 with either your PS4 or PS5 remote play? If so, I'm curious how that experience compares with the PSVR2 you discussed in your video. My understanding is there are many steps involved to get the Occulus 2 and PS4/PS5 working together. Saw a recent video by YouTube channel Bearski.
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@ygravel001 Maybe the PC Genjin games id be interested in. You going to post any of this stuff on the marketplace here?
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@ygravel001 Depending on the games yeah I am interested, more so Hucards though, but maybe some CD games as well.
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Hi Ron, are you interested in PC-Engine HuCards and CDs (all CIB)?
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@20sburning There are dumps of Paprium out there on and other places. I have never messed with it, heard some mumblings before of being able to kind of play it with a special version of MAME, minus the sound I believe... but never looked much into it.
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Has anyone successfully dumped “Paprium”… obviously I’m asking for preservation purposes, but also I’m a backer who has never received my copy of the game
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Thank you, Ron
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@cookiedon15 Vita listings should be tagged as Retro. For the sake of simplicity the only things to be tagged modern or current should be PS4, Xbox One, PS5, Xbox Series & Switch. Anything else should go in Retro.
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Should PS Vita listings be tagged under retro gaming or modern?
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@lobstertrapgame haha for sure we dont need any levels of boobooness here! Appreciate the humor for sure, and glad we can crack some jokes and not be crazy serious all the time, but also we gonna be serious when we need to so we dont have to raise the booboo meter at all! Appreciate ya!
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@madlittlepixel I appreciate you and Ivan for all that you do. This is a great community and market. The phrasing in my post was meant to mimic some of the unique words you use in your YouTube videos in a humorous manner.
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@lobstertrapgame I had a meeting with District Ivan around the time you posted the comment about the items from Pupcam and we both saw the message about the same time and action is being taken as Ivan said. I don't know the circumstances behind why the items were not shipped, but while it sucks to buy something here and not get it you will always be covered by our buyer protections. I will keep closer tabs going forward on items not being marked shipped in a timely manner and try to get ahead of communicating with sellers and buyers to try to ensure we are all on the same page here.
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thx @lobstertrapgame - I don't see it as having shipped yet either, I'll reach out and confirm but if not you'll get a refund issued asap