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candylandcuriosities is sending their viewers to

My Petite Vintage Co

in 13 seconds

Candyland Curiosities + 1 Other

in Niknax

Host Notes

Welcome to Trivia Night! Thanks for joining us! Take a look at the store and give us both a follow! Happy St. Patrick’s Day! 💚

Tonite’s Theme: Bourbon & Beer!

The “Secret Words” are based on things that have to do with Bourbon & Beer. There are 6 total secret words and once they are said, the corresponding seller has to run something for $5!

Trivia questions will be asked in between sale rounds and whoever gets the question right FIRST, gets to pick something from the auction to run OR anything they would like to see.

(Feel free to request items that you are looking for at will, just let us know by typing a “?” At the end of your sentence so we see it! )

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