Please share your collections here. Beautiful, vintage, handmade, eclectic, antique, designer, all welcome here!
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would love to see everyones collections!!
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Beautiful necklaces.
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I accidentally purchased 2 Kelim sterling silver necklaces over the past year - unintended collection! Each reseller had listed their necklace as Robert Lee Morris, assuming the actual 'klm" mark was "rlm". When I received them, I knew immediately they were not Robert Lee Morris - I have several pieces of his pieces. Kelim is often found in jewelry stores, art galleries & art museum shops - abstract forms, traditional shapes, nature. They retail for $200-$500+. Moral of the story - verify your marks before you list! My purchases were a blessing in disguise - I love my Kelim necklaces!
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This was my first set of jewelry I purchased when I started working in the 80's - Trifari. I remembered it was an expensive purchase, but well worth it!
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I am partial to natural elements jewelry.
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Love me some silver and crystal! What do you like?