AN EPIC NEW ADVENTURE BEGINS FOR LUKE, LEIA AND HAN IN THE WAKE OF RETURN OF THE JEDI! New York Times best-selling author ALEX SEGURA launches the bold next era of STAR WARS. LUKE SKYWALKER must defend the NEW REPUBLIC from a bloodthirsty gang of mercenaries! HAN SOLO investigates a deadly underworld mystery — and saves a surprising ally! LEIA ORGANA must grapple with a new alliance opposed to the goals of the New Republic! . Lot 1 - 26 total Comics 4x Main Cover 3x Annie Wu Aphra Preview Variant 3x Chris Sprouse 10th Anniversary Variant 3x David Nakayama Variant 3x Gabriele Dell'Otto Variant 3x Action Figure Variant 3x Ken Lashley Foil Variant ($8.99) 3x Logo Variant 1x 1:25 Pepe Larraz Variant . Lot 2 - 53 total Comics 8x Main Cover 6x Annie Wu Aphra Preview Variant 6x Chris Sprouse 10th Anniversary Variant 6x David Nakayama Variant 6x Gabriele Dell'Otto Variant 6x Action Figure Variant 6x Ken Lashley Foil Variant ($8.99) 6x Logo Variant 2x 1:25 Pepe Larraz Variant 1x 1:50 Leinil Francis Yu Variant . Lot 3 - 107 total Comics 16x Main Cover 12x Annie Wu Aphra Preview Variant 12x Chris Sprouse 10th Anniversary Variant 12x David Nakayama Variant 12x Gabriele Dell'Otto Variant 12x Action Figure Variant 12x Ken Lashley Foil Variant ($8.99) 12x Logo Variant 4x 1:25 Pepe Larraz Variant 2x 1:50 Leinil Francis Yu Variant 1x 1:100 Gabriele Dell'Otto Virgin Variant . Lot 4 - 215 total Comics 25x Main Cover 25x Annie Wu Aphra Preview Variant 25x Chris Sprouse 10th Anniversary Variant 25x David Nakayama Variant 25x Gabriele Dell'Otto Variant 25x Action Figure Variant 25x Ken Lashley Foil Variant ($8.99) 25x Logo Variant 8x 1:25 Pepe Larraz Variant 4x 1:50 Leinil Francis Yu Variant 2x 1:100 Gabriele Dell'Otto Virgin Variant 1x 1:200 David Nakayama Virgin Variant . Comic cover price is $4.99, the foil cover is $8.99. The 1:25 will probably retail for $15-$25. The 1:50 will probably retail for $30-50. The 1:100 will probably retail for $65-$125. The 1:200 will probably retail for $125-$250. It will mostly depend on cover art which isnt completely known yet, but the 1:100 is amazing. . See this listing for pre-sale cover prices on eBay: . Scheduled to release 5/7/25 Last chance to order from me is 3/23/25
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